t h e b i t e |
Q : why is a crossword
puzzle like a quarrel ? Q : what's the
similarity between success and failure ? Q : why is a speech
like a love affair ? Q : is watching
what you eat the toughest part of dieting ? Q : why are clocks
so shy ? Q : what headlines
do women notice ? Q : what is the
difference between a comedian outside of a theatre and one inside ?
Q : why is a husband's
payday like the Academy Awards ? Q : when is longhand
quicker and more accurate than shorthand ? Q : you can hung
me up on the wall, but if you take me down, you cannot hang me up again.
what am i ? |
Q : why is letter
"r" like a danger ? Q : where is the
only place where ends meet ? Q : what kind of
clothing lasts the longest ? Q : who's the hardest
to beat in an argument ? Q : what is the longest
distance between two points of view ? Q : what's the difference
between a man and a woman ? Q : what are the
two things that indicate weakness ? Q : what musical
instrument invites you to fish ? Q : what is the difference
between a mirror and a boy who chatters nonsense ? |